The inspiration for ‘Captain Wilder’, plus a selection of FREE stories to download

Hi All,  as I write the Covid19 pandemic is still in full swing in most places, so I hope you are all well and coping with whatever level of isolation you are having to endure.

Being confined by The Virus, I’ve been reading a lot as well as the usual writing.

One fascinating book I found ages ago and have just re-read is “Adventures by Sea of Edward Coxere”.  It about the life of a seaman from Kent, England in the 1600’s.

Coxere both wrote and illustrated the book, so this is not the work of a studied academic, but rather the simple and touching record of someone who endured enormous hardship and wondrous adventures in a long life at sea. I was amazed at the number of times he was made a prisoner of the various countries then at war with one another – Spain, Holland, England, Turkey and others – and yet managed to come through it all a stronger person with a fascinating spiritual insight.

It’s quite rare, but if you can ever get your hands on a copy (libraries?) I heartily recommend it. It was one of the major influences for me in my short story “Captain Wilder and the Dragon of Margundor”. And once more, if you haven’t had a chance to get your hands on a copy of the Captain Wilder story, you can get it free by clicking the book cover in this group promotion:

Fantastic and Free Fantasy!

If you do read it, I’d really appreciate any feedback you have, which you can leave at the following link:

Captain Wilder and The Dragon of Margundor

All the best until next time,


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