A Movie Trailer for Captain Wilder & The Dragon of Margundor!

I have a few exciting developments in the works for my Legends of Animarl series. One thing I’ve been working on is getting together a movie trailer to promote the first book in the series, Captain Wilder & The Dragon of Margundor.

I worked with a real professional to get the trailer made, and here is the result:

Movie Trailer for Captain Wilder & the Dragon of Margundor

I’m delighted with the way this trailer came out and will be using it in a Kickstarter project I’m launching soon, about which I’ll have more to share shortly 🙂

And for those who don’t know what Kickstarter is, it’s a way to get support and hopefully, funding for projects. People take a look at what you’re offering and if they like it, back the project with either a thumbs up and/or a flexible monetary ‘pledge’ in exchange for ‘rewards’. I will be sending more on this soon, as I’m passionate about the project and think you may very well be tempted by one or other of the rewards!

So, Stay Tuned and Stay Well!


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